
Flying Pig Half-Marathon

May 6, 2012, Sunday, at Cincinnati, OH, USA, Sunny @ 15C

Such a beautiful day for running.
My hosts, Jeff and Julie, told me that the prior weather of race day was raining, always.
How lucky am I, I had a good day this time.

But, I didn't sleep very well, and I woke up very late.
I set up the alarm at 4am, but I forgot to set up the DATE, then I woke up at 5am, and Julie drove me to the downtown at 5:30am. BRUTAL!!! DAME!
6:00am on May 6, 2012
 wow, lots of ARMY came here for supporting this PIG RACE.

Lonely fighting
 ps. did you see my shirt? that is a shirt with NYPD. ha
      I brought that from the 2011 New York City Marathon.

 @6:30am, runners started moving....

I don't get it, why all marathons would start from the bridges?
In the flying pig marathon, they starts with 3 bridges. Thanks!

OKay, I didn't take lots of pictures from this race, because of my lazy.
Piggy dressing

Actually, half marathon is not too hard, but if marathon with lots of hills, those hills will kill me ey.

I was behind my normal rate this time. I don't know why. So sad.

I came here for these. PIGGY MEDALS! 

in front

in back

I know I am too crazy doing this.
I took 13 hours bus to Cincinnati from Toronto, I slept 2 nights on the bus.
Just came for this PIGGY MEDAL.
I think the USA and CANADA immigration should give me a certification of crazy runner/traveler.

After the race, I took the bus back head to Toronto, another long trip!!!  13 hours!!!

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