
Day 47 : Vancouver --> Victoria

March 23, 2012  Vancouver to Victoria

I really do like Vancouver, but I thought I have to move to next city before I start to hate RAINcouver.
Good bye Vancouver and Jasmin.

my backpack traveled with me for 2months

all in 1 bus 
 I took a all in 1 bus this morning to Victoria from Vancouver.
Why did I say it as all in 1 bus?
Because of only thing you need to do was getting on the bus, and driver would take you to terminal and get on the ferry, and drive in the Vancouver Island. You don't have to transfer between bus and ferry.

This was a biggest ferry I took in my life so far.
I saw many Japanese students on the ferry.
The bus and ferry took me around 4 hours, I was so tired from these.
People said that it's possible to see the whales, killer whales if you were lucky.
I was not a lucky person, so I didn't see any whales.

Let's see it's possible to see the whales at my next ferry time from Victoria to Seattle.

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