
Special things in Kensington

Where can I go this Sunday?
AHA!    Please visit the Kensington Market on the Sunday in every end of month.
They block the Augusta ave. and Kensington ave. from 12:00 ~ 19:00.
All restaurants have boots in front of the doors, and clothing also.

And many different music performances and dancing show.

Drums music - you can feel it from your heart, and follow the drums and beats and move your body naturally.
I love drums music!
打擊樂 - 可以完全發自內心的感受,且不自覺的跟著鼓聲和節奏舞動身子,我愛打擊樂!
This guy charge whole team, he is not tall, but he is charming!!

Free dancing - this woman is not pretty, but she have passion on dancing. 

And there have all kinds of music from different people, counties and cultures.
Kensington is a really special place.

please pay your attention on below picture, what did you see?
 yes, this cyclist was .....(I don't know how to say ...)
And I asked him how long did he practice the riding?
He said he never practice, it's gift!  (haha)
Anyway, that's really cool.

And trash art festival - they were made by trash, recycle things, woods.

And popular game in west - crosswords puzzle
All the adults and children love this game!

and different performances and I don't understand what they're doing.

And this, I don't remember what kind of it. Maybe come from North of Canada.

And live Hip-Hop show.
I don't know what they're rap, but I like that tempo.

The road was blocked, so you can draw anything you want on the road.

what kinds of people I love to see?  It's kids!
they have beautiful face and vivid looks, so lovely!

Today was a busy day! 
Move-in to new room and visit special event,  I love my day!

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