
Cycling in Toronto

I ride the bicycle in Toronto for a couple of weeks.
until now, I still learning how to cycling in Toronto.

Many people ride the bikes in Toronto city, that means we also have to follow the rules!

signs for turning and stopping
I think there are many people ride the bicycles in Taiwan too, we have to learn and use it too.
And drivers have to know how to recognize these too.

And Ontario government provide many bikeway and routes for cyclists.

Bikeway design and way-finding signage
Several types of bikeway designs are used in the City of Toronto to improve cycling conditions. 
This information describes what these different bikeway designs mean for cyclists and motorists, and how the Bikeway Network Route System can be used by cyclists to navigate the city.
Bike lanes are a dedicated space for cyclists where motorists are not allowed to park, stand or drive.Bike lanes are a dedicated space for cyclists where motorists are not allowed to park, stand or drive. Bike lanes brochure (PDF)
單車道 是特別設給單車人士,禁止汽機車行駛、暫停和停車的。

Contra-flow bike lanes allow cyclists to travel in the opposite direction of motorized traffic on one-way
Contra-flow bike lanes allow cyclists to travel in the opposite direction of motorized traffic on one-way streets. Cyclists riding in the same direction as motorized traffic should not ride in the contra-flow bike lane. streets. Cyclists riding in the same direction as motorized traffic should not ride in the contra-flow bike lane.
雙相通行單車道 允許單車進入汽機車單行道。

Sharrows are used in shared lanes to indicate the ideal cyclist position in the lane
Sharrows are used in shared lanes to indicate the ideal cyclist position in the lane (away from the curb and parked cars) and to remind drivers to share the road. Sharrows are marked on the roadway with two white chevrons and a bicycle symbol.(away from the curb and parked cars) and to remind drivers to share the road. Sharrows are marked on the roadway with two white chevrons and a bicycle symbol. Learn more ...

Shared roadways (or signed routes) are designated by bikeway network signage
Shared roadways are designated by bikeway network signage as preferred routes for cycling, but no physical changes are made to the roadway. Shared roadways are usually found on residential streets with lower traffic volumes.as preferred routes for cycling, but no physical changes are made to the roadway. Shared roadways are usually found on residential streets with lower traffic volumes.

Off-road bike paths are physically separated from motorized vehicle traffic by
Off-road bike paths are physically separated from motorized vehicle traffic by open space or a barrier. Off-road paths are also known as 'multi-use paths' because they are often shared with pedestrians and in-line skaters. Major multi-use paths are paved, while minor ones are not.open space or a barrier. Off-road paths are also known as 'multi-use paths' because they are often shared with pedestrians and in-line skaters. Major multi-use paths are paved, while minor ones are not. Learn about trail etiquette.

Bike Boxes are used at intersections to designate a space for cyclists to
Bike boxewait in front of cars at a red light, and to proceed first when the light turns green.
When the traffic signal is red, cyclists enter the bike box through a bicycle lane, and motorists stop at a regular stop bar behind the painted area for cyclists.
At bike box locations, cyclists and motorists are prohibited from making right turns on a red light.Learn more...

They also have lots of confirmation signs for cyclists, because city of Toronto is too big.

Confirms number and direction of route
Usually located on far side of major intersection

Signs at intersecting bike routes advise cyclists on route options

Confirmation route sign
Advises cyclist to make left/right turn to remain on bike route

Two days after I bought the bike, my bell was stolen when I try to pass someone on the street and went to ring it.
Damn....it's gone!!!    

In my second riding day, I had a small accident in the morning when I was on the way to work.
I crossed tracks at a wrong angle and I tumbles from the bike.
That scared me and the side of police.
After that, I always be carefully cross the tracks, I don't want to it happen again.

Too many things I have to learn.....I just like a new baby in a new world.

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