
London, ON - Ilena

換了一家hostel…六個人一間的dorm room,


in 2 hours talking, 有30%的內容一直在說墨西哥的美好。
1) 音樂<<<<佔大多數
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3) 熱情
4) 語言 - 西班牙語
I said : Maybe you can move to there.
Ilena : I bought a house in Mexico 5 years ago. Because I love Mexico, but I don't go there often.

And I said to her : When you talk about Mexico, you seem in the heaven. I see the flower and angles around you.

因為Ilena 已是一個已婚婦女,所以我問了他一些美式家庭的一些問題…以解開我心中的疑惑。

Q : depend on your experience or others around you, western parents encourage their children to go outside or different counties, to see the world, culture, meet some people and learn the life skills?
A : most, but depend on my experience, I don't like that. If they were teen age then leave home, and need somebody's suggestions or opinions, who can help them?
If they met some bad people, and smoking, drinking, pills, drug and having tattoo. What they learn about?

Q : you have two sons, one in north of Toronto and one in Vancouver.  How often do you meet together?
you can accept they leave home far away?
(妳有二個兒子,一個在多倫多北部,一個在溫哥華,你們多久會聚在一起? 你可以接受他們離家這麼遠?)
A : I don't, but if they got a better job there, they should go there.

Q : you know, some times the life is hard, what did you do and now you can go traveling anywhere?
(有時後,生活不容易,你做了什麼所以現在可以到處旅行? )
A : I don't watch TV, see the movies, smoking.....those cost a lot of money.
I love music, Mexico and Spanish, that's why I want to learn speaking Spanish.... (離題了)

I think she likes talking, because... she can talks about Mexico and Spanish long long long time.

There was a story between Ilena and us.
One day, we went out for whole day, so we'd like to use computer and check the E-Mail and job seeking before we went to sleep.
( it's gonna be 11: 30 pm I remember.)
Chin and I still used the computer, so the light on and have some noise from keyboard.
And Ilena asked me " Carol, may I ask you a question?   in Taiwan, What time do you go to the bed? and what's your wake up time? "
I : depends, go to the bed at 12 or 1 o'clock, and wake up at 7 or 8 o'clock.
If you worry about somethings and have pressure, can't fall asleep.
Ilena said : Normally, Canadians go to the bed before 11 o'clock, and wake up at 7 or 8 o'clock, so we can have fully 8 hours sleep.



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