

Nic works in our hostel.
When I was off work, I can see him in front desk everyday, so he is one of our English teachers.
(we always ask him something ridiculous questions)

These are his tattoo, I think they're very nice.

Carol : you believe the true love reh?
Nic : yeah
Carol : so did you find your true love yet?
Nic : not yet, but soon.
Carol : You will and soon.

So a girl's hands holed by Nic must be his true love!

A is A
Carol : what's that mean?  Alan is Alan? (Alan is hostel manager)
Nic : yeap, one of.   
Carol : Apple is Apple?
Nic : one of....that means...There is always only one true, and the true is the true.
        for example, paper is paper, water is water.....
Carol : I see....

A is A..... never change?
Sometimes you deeply believe in somethings that still change according to the environment, conditions.....

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