
Day 51 : Victoria --> Seattle

March 27, 2012  Cloudy

It's the day to move to Seattle.
Before I left, my host gave me a haircut for free ey.... YEAH~

ps. Last night, I asked her '' Have you ever done Asian's haircut?''
It's kind of challenge to do Asian's haircut, because our hair is harder than western people's, black, and our hindbrains are flat, and we have shorter and smaller brows. 

So we did the haircut in the KITCHEN!
靠 我好肥…

Anyway, to me FREE is the best!  
she really did a good job with my haircut.  NICE. 
I look younger than my age.  hahaha

After that, I went out for a while, had a brunch and took some pictures.
De Dutch is a chain restaurants in BC.
You can't find it in other provinces in Canada, so I have to have once in De Dutch.
Actually I pretty like their meals.

Beautiful Flowers~~~~  Spring ~~~

In the afternoon, yeah, it's my time to leave.

From Victoria to Seattle, there is only way to go there by Victoria Clipper.
It cost me around C$80, and 2hours. Not too bad.
I thought I would have the chance to see the whales, but the ferry was going fast and they don't allow passengers to stay outside of ferry.
So all people stayed inside and did nothing.

Finally, I arrived in SEATTLE where has original Starbucks coffee shop.

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