
Northern light (Aurora light)

就是那道光……Miss Aurora...歐若拉小姐

Naming the Aurora?
Galileo (1564-1642), the founder of modern astronomy, thought the rarely-seen lights were caused by rays from the rising sun as they bounced off the Earth's atmosphere When he needed a Latin name for the phenomenon, he chose that of Aurora, Roman goddess of the dawn. 2009 is the 400th anniversary of the year Galileo first turned a telescope to the skies.


Where is the best place to see aurora?

Can I see it from where I live?

The maps below show the average location of the auroral oval in the northern and southern hemispheres.

In the northern hemisphere, prime viewing locations include Fairbanks, Alaska, and many locations in eastern Canada. In Europe, Iceland and northern Scandinavia see the most aurora. In the southern hemisphere, the aurora frequents uninhabited regions, making sightings of the southern lights, aurora australis, much rarer than the northern lights, aurora borealis.
在北半球,可以看到極光的地點包含 阿拉斯加的Fairbanks,及加東很多地方;在歐洲,冰島和一些北半球可看到更多的極光。(南半球…我就不多說了) 

The farther away from the average oval you live, the smaller your chance of seeing aurora. For example, people in the northern New England states may be able to see aurora several times a year, while people living in the southeastern US may only have the opportunity to see the aurora a few times in a century! The chart below shows the average percentage of nights per year that the aurora might be seen:

What is the best time of year to see aurora?

In northern regions like Alaska, the best time to view aurora is around the equinox (March and late September-October) because this time of year offers the best trade-off between mild weather and dark skies. During the summer months, night skies are not dark enough to view aurora, and in midwinter temperatures in the -40 degree range make outdoor aurora viewing somewhat unpleasant.

Will I be able to see aurora when I visit in a few months?

It is not possible to predict auroral activity very far in advance. As solar activity increases towards the maximum in 2000-2001, the aurora will be even less predictable, with forecasts being limited to a few days based on current observations of solar flares and sunspots.
So, if you are planning a trip months in advance, consider the previous faqs on typical auroral locations and viewing seasons. Beyond that, we can truly say, "your guess is as good as ours."
所以,如果你要預先計畫極光行,可以參考 typical auroral locations and viewing seasons. 的問與答。且我們可以很老實地說: 你的猜測不會比我們的準。
If you are planning to visit Alaska, be sure to check out the State of Alaska Division of Tourism page.
如果你打算去阿拉斯加,請務必參考 State of Alaska Division of Tourism 網頁。
Information about Fairbanks accomodations can be found through the Fairbanks Convention and Visitor's Bureau or the Fairbanks Association of Bed and Breakfasts.


Equipment needed

You don't need expensive cameras for your Northern light photography. I use a Canon EOS 400D. You can use any camera that: can take long exposures (up to 30 seconds)
a wide angle lens
a telephoto lens (optional)
a cable release, remote shutter release cord or remote control (optional)
warm clothes
fold-up chair (optional, but nice to have if you have to sit and wait)
Remove UV filter and any other filters from your lenses. Too often the filters will cause concentric rings and disturb your northern light photography.

Choice of Lens

You can use a 55 mm lens, but often you'll want to get more of the sky into the image when there's aurora activity all over the sky.
To get more of the sky in, you'll need a lens in the range below 20 mm. I use a 10-20 mm lens.
A lens slower than f/4.0 is going to be troublesome to work with, as exposure times and/or ISO numbers will have to be raised to compensate.
At times you want to zoom in on nice colours or patterns and shapes. Then a telephoto lens is handy.

Basic settings

If possible, use ony manual settings. This applies also to the auto-focus (AF). Remember that AF does not work when photographing night skies.
Use the widest aperture (smallest f-number, i.e. 2,8 or 4). With a wide aperture you can use higher shutter speeds.
Experiment with shutter speeds up to 30 seconds. f/4.0, up to 30 seconds
f/2.8, 15-20 seconds 
Set the focus at infinity.
It will be OK to set the ISO number at 400. Higher numbers (800 or 1600) may give more grainy photos, but may still be necessary to try out.
Use daylight white balance. But if you don't know about white balance, don't let that stop you. Go ahead.
Lower the LCD brightness. Good for your night vision.

RAW mode

If you are able to do some manipulation on an image processing program, then you should consider using the RAW mode (if your camera supports it). If not, just go ahead and experiment.


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